The Great Green and the Scarlet Macaws are two of the most recognizable parrot species in the world. By protecting them and their habitat, together we can support conservation in one of the worlds most biologically important areas.
A partnership to help endangered parrots to thrive
RainForest Water: Protecting Macaw habitat, planting trees, ensuring their thriving future.
Costa Rica lost 54% of its forests due to fast food and plantations. Our program, "Treeping: You Drink, We Plant," safeguards Macaw habitat, planting and protecting trees, including Mountain Almond.
Macaw Recovery Network: Saving endangered parrots through conservation best practices.
Parrot species face extinction. MACAW Recovery Network unites organizations for knowledge sharing, research, and training in conservation.

Helping the Macaws — One Bottle at a time
Our efforts go beyond reforestation and protection of wildlife habitat, we want to draw our customers attention to the importance of preservation of wildlife habitat.
We have designed a special edition bottle featuring the Great Green and the Red Macaw with important information regarding their endangered status and how you can help them thrive.