Celebrating the Success: Macaws Back in the Wild!

We are thrilled to announce the release of 6 juvenile macaws (who were brought to a hatchery for being on unstable nests) back into the wild at Punta Islita in Costa Rica last wednesday! This successful release is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the Macaw Recovery Network and its partners in protecting and conserving these magnificent birds.

The release of these juvenile macaws marks a significant milestone in our efforts to secure the future of this species and help them recover from their endangered status. We're really honored and excited to be supporting such an important cause!

However, the work does not stop here. The continued survival and recovery of this species depends on the support and efforts of people like you. By taking care of our environment and supporting organizations like the Macaw Recovery Network, we can ensure that these beautiful birds will have a future in the wild.

Click the botton below and learn more about how you can help!

I Want to Help the Macaws!

Some of the funding partners of Macaw Recovery Network:

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